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The Project

KOIS is a global impact investment and advisory firm is building the Dignity in Labor platform, a multi-stakeholder platform to leverage catalytic capital and blended finance tools to provide access to affordable credit for unbanked and under-banked customer groups in India. Through this platform, KOIS brings together a consortium of organizations (service providers, lenders, and donors) that can develop and deploy systemic financial solutions to accelerate socio-economic mobility for platform users (small businesses, informal workers, and nano and micro-entrepreneurs.). The platform also enables access to relevant government social security programs for all workers that interact with the facility.

Values and Outcomes

KOIS’ platform is an innovative solution to increase access to affordable credit for economically disadvantaged, unskilled or semi-skilled, informal workers in India. The platform also enables access to government social security schemes for platform user groups, thus enhancing social and financial inclusion, digitalization, and formalization of labor. The program includes a monitoring and evaluation framework, as well as planned reporting to help expand learning and foster a market-based approach to scale similar financial inclusion initiatives in emerging markets.

For more information on KOIS, visit their website.

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